We Are Getting Ready For MAKE A MOVE 2025 And Looking For New Coordinators!
Scleroderma Canada is always looking for new Make A Move coordinators to help us expand our reach and increase scleroderma awareness in new communities. With the support of the staff at Scleroderma Canada, coordinators are responsible for planning the event, recruiting and managing volunteers, outreach for sponsorship and raffle donations, and promoting and marketing their event.
For more information on becoming a coordinator or bringing a Make A Move event to your community please email Riva@scleroderma.ca
What do you get out of the experience?
Make a difference in your community!
Help raise awareness for the cause
Build your network.
Connect with donors, volunteers and community members
Gain experience in event planning and promotions
Gain leadership experience
Create long lasting memories
Enjoy a sense of accomplishment
Inspire others to get involved!
Deadline to become a coordinator is:
Tuesday February 4th 2025
Read the Coordinator Toolkit to view guidelines, expectations, and frequently asked questions.